The 2021 AIEA Conference was hosted virtually. Many thanks to session presenters for making these materials available. Note all links below will open as .pdf files unless otherwise indicated.
Actively Engaging International Students:What Can We Do to Enrich Their College Experience Virtually Ada Li, Hong Yang, Jeet Joshee Presentation
Advancing Internationalization at HBCUs: Issues and Opportunities Dafina Blacksher Diabate, Uttam Gualee, Jewell Winn Presentation
Breaking Down Silos in Higher Education: Rethinking Campus, Community and Global Collaborations Amer Ahmed, Eric Hartman, Samantha Brandauer Presentation
Changing Modes of International Alumni Engagement and Philanthropy Amy Conger, Brodie Remington, Hugh Sullivan Presentation
Comprehensive Internationalization: Focus on Staff Professional Development Courtney Peltzer-Hönicke, Jennie Konsella-Norene, Kim Rapp, Reitumetse Mabokela Presentation
COVID-19 Is a Blip: The Pandemic as an Opportunity to Create a More Globally Engaged Future Jennifer Engel, Mark Daly, Matthew Pucciarelli Presentation
From Knee-Jerk Response to Policy Change: Effective Operations During a Pandemic and Beyond Douglas Proctor, Kalpen Trivedi, Patrick Morgan Presentation
Global Faculty Engagement through Seed Grants and Other Incentive Programs Elizabeth Langridge-Noti, Jamie McGowan, Portia Williams, Richard Nader Presentation | Handout
Global Learning in Service to Local and Regional Impact Jeff Cohen, Svetlana Filiatreau, Virginia Rowthorn, Wendy Baker Presentation
Inclusive and Community-based Approaches in Education Abroad: Amplifying Perspectives from Abroad Lou Berends, Samantha Brandauer Presentation
International Enrollment in a Time of Crisis: Lessons Learned from Chief Enrollment Officers Amy Takayama-Perez, Derek DuBose, Angel Pérez Presentation
International Higher Education Leaders as Advocates and Agents of Change for Social Justice Benedikt Brisch, JY Zhou, Yu Jiang Presentation
Leadership and Career Development Strategies for International Education Professionals Britta Baron, Earl Kellogg, Gifty Ako-Adounvo, Rick Lee Presentation | Handout
Let's Talk India: From Recruitment to Partnerships - A Land of Opportunity (Especially Now!) Lakshmi Iyer, Jaishankar Raman, Vinitha Gengatharan, Ahmad Ezzeddine Presentation
Leveraging US Government Resources for International Engagement Rebecca Pisano, Stephen Hanson, Katherine Scodova, Pamela Maimer, Tim Duvall Presentation | Handout | Handout 2
Pathways from SIO to President or Provost Jen Cushman, Dafina Diabate, Elaine Meyer-Lee, Hilary Link Presentation
Shifting Roles of SIOs in the Era of Global Pandemic and Quest for Racial Equity Piram Prakasam, Anne Dahlman, Philip Plourde, Roberta Espinoza, Wing-kai To Presentation SIO leadership in Ireland – Protecting the Warm Irish Welcome in the Face of Adversity Douglas Proctor, Anna Cunningham, Josephine (Jo) Page Presentation
Snapshots of International Education Leaders: Results of AIEA and IIE Research Cheryl Matherly, Darla Deardorff, Mirka Martel Presentation
The Art and Science of Working with Education Agents: Quality Assurance and Partnership Strategies Lindsay Addington, Pii-Tuulia Nikula, Eddie West Presentation
The Future of Intercultural Learning: Advancing Inclusive Global Higher Education after COVID Clay Hensley, Darla Deardorff, Jewell Winn, Shingo Ashizawa Presentation
The Future of U.S.-China Relations and Its Effects on Operating Intl Higher Ed Programs in China Xinning Shirley Liu, Reitumetse Mabokela, Yoonmi Noh Presentation
U.N. Sustainable Development Goals within the Global Classroom: A Virtual Collaborative Project Jennie Konsella-Norene, Joanna Regulska, Ke Chen, Patricia Montaño Presentation
We Can Still Make it Interactive: Development of Online Intercultural Collaborative Learning Classes Hiroko Akiba, Kazuko Suematsu, Tatsuya Hirai, Yukako Yonezawa Presentation
When ‘Here’ Becomes ‘There’: How Creative Collaborations Can Position Us for Growth in a New Era Andrea Custodi, Heather Barclay Hamir, Kline Harrison, Meredith McQuaid, Samantha Brandauer Presentation
Working with the New European University Alliances Kees Kouwenaar, Meredith McQuaid, Jon Atli Benediktsson, Barbara Buchenau Presentation