Standards of Professional Practice
Internationalization Expertise Standard One Understands comprehensive internationalization in higher education as an inclusive process that impacts the three principal aims of the academy: teaching, research and service. Standard Two Recognizes the centrality of the curriculum and co-curriculum in preparing students for participation in an increasingly interconnected, diverse, and rapidly changing world. Understands how to advance global learning in the curriculum and co-curriculum in a collaborative manner. Standard Three Has an appreciation for the risks associated with global engagement for the institution and its faculty, staff and students, and works closely with relevant others to minimize risk. Standard Four Has an awareness and understanding of the laws that impact significant aspects of internationalization, such as student and faculty mobility, and works with legal counsel to ensure compliance with these laws in a manner consistent with the interest of the institution and its stakeholders. Standard Five Has an understanding of how research on comprehensive internationalization can be used to advance the internationalization of an institution. Advocacy (Working Through and With Others) Standard Twelve Is able to effectively advocate for the institutionalization of internationalization within the context of an institution’s mission and values. Standard Thirteen Works collaboratively with local communities to engage them in the institution’s internationalization efforts. Standard Fourteen Recognizing the agency of students, actively enlists their knowledge, imaginations, and energy to advance internationalization. Standard Fifteen Recognizing that the faculty are the central agents for internationalization, works to create an institutional culture that recognizes and rewards faculty for their work in advancing internationalization. Standard Sixteen Is able to leverage networks to develop partnerships with individuals, institutions and organizations to advance campus internationalization. Standard Seventeen Understanding that governments, non-profit organizations, and the private sector help shape the environment for internationalization, is prepared to advocate for the importance of international education with these entities. |
Leadership and Management Standard Six Is able to provide vision, leadership and strategic planning for internationalization. Standard Seven Has the administrative ability and insight needed to manage the complex administrative functions associated with internationalization, including enlisting the support and actions of individuals and campus units across the institution. Standard Eight Understands how to facilitate the professional development of faculty and staff in support of internationalization. Standard Nine Is able to effectively and appropriately communicate the work of campus internationalization to internal and external stakeholders. Standard Ten Gathers and uses assessment data to strengthen internationalization, communicate successes and gaps, refine processes and practices, and strengthen student learning outcomes. Standard Eleven Applies principles of equity and inclusion to all aspects of Internationalization, including the hiring and retention of diverse staff. Personal Effectiveness Standard Eighteen Is able to be resourceful and entrepreneurial in securing the support, financial and otherwise, needed to advance internationalization. Standard Nineteen Possesses international experience, language learning experience, and intercultural knowledge to more effectively advance campus internationalization. Standard Twenty Has strong empathic instincts, is a good listener and can effectively navigate the ambiguities arising from cross-cultural encounters, thereby modeling the attitudes and skills required for intercultural and international engagement. Standard Twenty-one Recognizing that internationalization is advanced through the exchange of data, ideas, and practices among SIOs and educational associations, seeks to learn from and contribute to this exchange. Standard Twenty-two Has a deep commitment to preserving high ethical standards in all internationalization efforts. |