AIEA Thematic Forums are opportunities for international education leaders to meet and engage with salient issues for those leading internationalization.
Up to $5000 awarded per Forum (AIEA will grant up to four awards per academic year)
Funding is available for AIEA member institutions (higher education institutions) regardless of location, and members from outside the U.S. are also encouraged to apply
Length of AIEA Thematic Forum: 1-2 days between the months of September and May
AIEA will provide up to $5000 per forum. Funds can be used for any of the following:
One or more meals for participants
Meeting space (AIEA encourages cost sharing)
Stipend/travel for outside speaker(s) if appropriate
To subsidize hotel costs to participants
Funds may not be used to pay for salaries at host institution(s). Unused funds must be returned to AIEA. In the event that the Forum is cancelled all AIEA funds must be returned to AIEA.
Up to $4000 of the award will be distributed prior to the Forum, and $1000 of the award will be distributed after the final report has been received by AIEA.
AIEA Contributions:
AIEA Endorsement
Use of the AIEA member-only listserv for advertising the Forum; Forum hosts are responsible for promotion
Follow-up thank you letters to president of host institution
Forum hosted by an AIEA member at an HEI member institution
Saliency and focus of the issue/topic for Senior International Officers/Senior leaders advancing internationalization at their institutions
Marketing plan to reach participants
Support from host institution(s)
Reasonableness of budget and cost sharing by host institution
Transparency of participant selection process
Support of AIEA goals, benefit to AIEA members, and opportunity for AIEA to gain exposure
Preference will be given to host institutions in different sections/regions of the United States. AIEA also welcomes thematic forum applications from institutions outside the United States. Well-attended Thematic Forums are often held in conjunction with or immediately preceding or following a local International Education event.
Thematic Forum hosts are encouraged to join with other local HEIs in the planning of forums (including community colleges).
Registration (see details below)
Selection of Topic
Design and content of Forum
Logistics: Arrange/Provide meeting space, meals, speaker(s)- note: it is not required to have a speaker. Format can also include a leadership dialogue among participants
Marketing to Senior International Officer (or their international equivalent) participants
Provide information about hotels if the Forum requires participants to stay overnight
Have participants complete an evaluation form provided by AIEA (and send these results to AIEA within 30 days of the end of the Forum)
Submit final report to AIEA within 30 days of the end of the Forum
Disseminate knowledge after the Forum as described in proposal
The host institution is expected to be AIEA institutional member for the entirety of the academic year
Registration Fees The host institution(s) are encouraged to charge a nominal registration fee within the $50 range to cover additional costs of the meeting, but a fee greater than $100 would require significant justification in the application. Note: the Forum should not be a money-making opportunity for the institution. The expectation is that AIEA funding would help make it possible to hold such an event and cover costs only. Forum costs should be reasonable.
Note: AIEA does not handle forum registrations or payment processing. Host institutions are responsible for setting up a registration system and processing payments.
To apply for a Thematic Forum, please upload the following information into the AIEA Thematic Forum Proposal Form:
3-5 page proposal explaining the topic/issue of the proposed workshop and its importance to international educators. The proposal should include an outline and format of the workshop, names and titles of facilitator or speaker(s), length of workshop, intended outcomes/takeaways for attendees, proposed date, proposed marketing plan to SIOs in region and knowledge capture and dissemination plans. It should also describe how the forum addresses strategic-level issues pertaining to SIOs or other senior leaders advancing internationalization at their institutions, as well as how organizers will recruit senior leaders in international education to attend. Please also include the selection process of participants and maximum number of participants.
CVs for the facilitators/presenters/speakers
Detailed budget (specifying how AIEA funds will be used specifically plus other sources of funding). This budget should be specific and not include estimated lump sums. Please include dollar amounts for estimated in-kind and cash matches, as well as how any participant registration fees will be used. (remember justification is needed if the registration charge is more than $100 per person)
*Proposal are accepted in early spring thru May 15th.
2019 Thematic Forum Host JY Zhou from Stockton University shares some insight and tips on preparing an AIEA Thematic Forum Link to video: