2022 AIEA Annual Conference
February 20-23, 2022
Sheraton New Orleans
New Orleans, LA, USA
Sheraton New Orleans
New Orleans, LA, USA
Social Justice, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
How strategies and initiatives in international education, internationalization of the curriculum and of the campus contribute to more diversity, equity and inclusion, and how they can help develop a better sense of social justice in our societies. Proposals can include examples of actual projects that can show lessons learned and documented impacts. Access to Quality Employment and Economic Opportunities
Examples of strategies, programs, initiatives of internationalization that help enhance the employability and the quality of employment or help students create businesses; roles of higher education institutions in supporting students on local, national and international scenes and what and how potential partnerships contributed to their success. This can include to what extent these examples are replicable. Human and Economic Development of Disadvantaged Communities
How studying abroad, developing global competences, and learning in a more globalized environment and an open context favors the social and economic development of disadvantaged communities. Examples of impacts and lessons learned may include strategies, research projects and actions targeting refugees, indigenous populations, and other underrepresented and vulnerable groups. |
The Achievement of the United Nations 2030 Agenda (SDGs)
The UN 2030 Agenda sets clear objectives and specific goals in several areas of the human life and for the planet. Education of quality is one of the SDGs, and the role of education and of research cross almost all the SDGs. Why and how does internationalization strategy at the institutional level address the SDGs and contribute to their achievements? New Knowledge Development and Dissemination for Humanity
The pandemic of COVID-19 has brought changes in all facets of our lives and work that are bound to last for years to come. For those in higher education, the pandemic has been an opportunity to question our practices and to invent new ways of delivering programs and conducting research in several disciplines and areas of knowledge. Without international collaboration, humanity would have not had a vaccine against COVID-19. Without international collaboration, political, social, environment and human issues would never be studied and resolved. What new practices are emerging within internationalization? Knowledge Diplomacy Around the World
More than ever, political and diplomatic tensions impact international higher education and international research collaboration. Negative impacts affect not only traveling and student mobility. Issues related to knowledge access and sharing, intellectual property, security and confidentiality of scientific information, among others can hinder international partnership development and sustainability, international collaborative research and faculty exchange. SIOs work side by side with their peers and partners to identify and overcome barriers and to find the best strategies and most appropriate knowledge-diplomacy based approaches. What is the role of knowledge diplomacy within internationalization in the post-pandemic future? What are some concrete ways to address these issues that hinder partnership development, collaboration and sustainability? |