They Were at the Beginning: Lessons from Leaders in Internationalization
The internationalization of higher education is a relatively recent phenomenon, but increasingly accepted as critical to the missions and daily operations of colleges and universities. To help capture the history of internationalization, AIEA and its Editorial Committee are pleased to offer AIEA members and others a chance to learn from those who were there at the beginning of the internationalization that we experience today. Thus the interviews focus on leaders who in the late 20th century led the internationalization of higher education in the U.S. and abroad.
Many thanks go to Dr. Joan Elias Gore of the Foundation for International Education for initiating and leading the project. Dr. Gore conducted a similar interview series with U.S. higher education leaders on behalf of CIEE, the Council on International Education Exchange. That series featured those who, from the end of WWII through the mid-20th century, laid the foundation for the internationalization movement in the United States. The previous series is housed with CIEE.
AIEA Past President John Heyl has highlighted themes from some of these interviews, which can be found at his website or at these links (.pdf):