Serving on the board of AIEA is an opportunity for those leading internationalization to set the agenda for the future of international higher education. It is a phenomenal experience for networking, engaging with strategic-level issues, and for serving the field and all who are impacted by international education.
The board is comprised of six officers (President, President-Elect, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Executive Director), several members at-large, and four standing committee chairs. The board will consist of up to 20 voting members and up to four appointed advisors who, in addition to the Executive Director, serve on the board ex-officio. Total board composition including ex-officio members is a maximum of 25 members:
Three (3) voting officers: President, President-Elect, Past-President (elected to three-year terms on the presidential stream)
Three (3) ex-officio officers: Secretary and Treasurer (appointed to three-year renewable terms), and the Executive Director
Four (4) voting standing committee chairs: Professional Development and Engagement Committee, Member Outreach and Awards Committee, Public Policy Committee, and the Publications and Resources Committee; these chair positions are elected to three-year terms.
Up to thirteen (13) voting at-large members who are elected to three year terms.
Up to four (4) ex-officio appointed advisers, who are appointed to one-year renewable terms.
The Executive Committee is made up of the President, President-Elect, Past-President, Secretary, and Treasurer with the Executive Director as ex-officio.
Board members at-large, committee chairs, and the President-Elect are all elected by active AIEA members. Each serve a three-year term, with the President-Elect serving three years on the Presidential Stream (President-Elect, President, and Past President).
Committee members are selected by the chair of each committee and appointed by the current President. Unless specifically designated by the Board, a member cannot be a member of more than one of the four standing committees. Standing committees meet in-person on the Sunday or Monday of the Annual Conference; other regular meetings are typically virtual or by phone.
Committee chairs are elected to first serve as one year as a chair-elect for the particular committee. The chair-elect year does not include board service. After the chair-elect year (which overlaps with the prior chair's service), the chair-elect becomes chair and serves for two years on the Board of Directors and as chair of the committee. For more details, please refer to the AIEA Bylaws.
AIEA Board Nomination Process
AIEA needs you! Serving on the AIEA Board or on a committee is your chance to help lead the only association focused on international education leadership. Benefits of involvement include:
Playing a significant role in advancing the Senior International Officer position and the importance of internationalization
An opportunity to enhance the value of AIEA to the field and colleagues
Shaping the field of international higher education
The chance to exchange ideas and perspectives with colleagues
The nomination process for elected positions is as follows: The Governance Committee chair—the sitting AIEA President—sends an announcement to the member-only listserv with information for all open board positions, including President-Elect. Members are encouraged to self-nominate, or can also be nominated by a colleague. Nomination materials are collected by the Secretariat by a deadline as indicated by the Governance Committee.
The Governance Committee determines which candidates will be slated on the ballot. The intent is that each open position will have two candidates, though this might not always be the case. In the event that a candidate is not selected to be slated on the ballot, the Executive Director or chair of the Governance Committee will inform the candidate and, if applicable, the nominator prior to announcing the ballot.
AIEA values diverse perspectives and actively seeks a board whose members represent different countries/regions, institutional types, racial and gender diversity, etc. AIEA also intentionally recruits a Board with members who have specific experience not only in campus internationalization, but also expertise in different areas relating to non-profit board responsibilities. As such, the Governance Committee is strategic in the design of the ballot to ensure that the resulting Board effectively serves all members and can adequately meet the legally mandated responsibilities as required by 501(c)6 organizations.
All active members are eligible to vote. Voting is conducted via electronic ballot. The ballot includes photos, short biographies, and a brief vision statement from each candidate. A simple majority of votes cast determines who has been elected.
The Governance Committee is composed of five Board members, including the President-Elect, and chaired by the President; the Executive Director serves as an ex officio, non-voting member. The positions of Secretary and Treasurer are non-elected positions appointed by the Board, and nominations are solicited from the membership.
Suggestions for Candidates AIEA values diverse leadership as defined by race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, appearance, geographic location, etc., and seeks leaders from all types and sizes of higher education institutions. Desired attributes for leadership positions include:
Demonstrated leadership commitment with AIEA. Examples might include service on a committee or taskforce; past presenter of sessions or workshops at the Annual Conference; participation in the AIEA Leadership Academy for New SIOs; participation in the Senior Advisers Program; past host of an AIEA Thematic Forum; contribution of an AIEA publication; etc. Serving as a vice-chair on a standing committee does not guarantee inclusion on the ballot, but can strengthen one’s candidacy when the chair position for that committee comes open.
Recognized leader in the field of international education. Examples might include holding a current senior international officer (or international equivalent) position, holding leadership positions in sister associations, publishing in the field, recognition for innovative programs, etc.
Relevant experience or skills in organizational management. Examples might include communications, fundraising, finance, strategic alliances, strategic planning, etc.
Commitment to participate in three board meetings per year
Positive leadership attributes. Examples might include emotional intelligence; ability to work collaboratively and engage in appropriate debate and discussion when needed; demonstrated ability to work effectively cross-culturally.
Visionary and strategic thinker with demonstrated ability of new and innovative programs within their sphere of influence. Examples include, but are not limited to: incorporating strategy, leadership, future focus, risk taking, and an entrepreneurial spirit.
Board Responsibilities
AIEA board members are expected to attend two in-person (prior to the Annual Conference, and one in Durham, North Carolina) and one virtual board meeting annually. At-large board members are expected to serve on taskforces and contribute to board work. Committee chairs are responsible for recruiting members, facilitating committee meetings, designing and implementing strategic action plans, providing two committee reports annually, and shaping the direction of AIEA’s work in the committee area. Note that all board members cover their own travel costs in attending board meetings.
Future board meetings:
March 1, 2025 (Houston, Texas; in-person)
June 18, 2025 (Virtual)
October 16, 2025 (Washington, DC; in-person)
February 15, 2026 (Washington, DC; in-person)
June 17, 2026 (Virtual)
October 15, 2026 (Washington, DC; in-person)
AIEA has moved to a two-year calendar of future Board meetings (two years in advance). Regular annual Board meetings will occur the Saturday prior to the annual conference (in-person), the 3rd Wednesday in June (virtual), and the 3rd Thursday in October (in-person in Washington, DC) barring anything unforeseen (e.g., holidays). This plan will be revisited every January and extended for two years.
Quarterly chairs meetings will occur the 3rd Monday of March, June, September, and December at 12 pm ET.
The Finance Committee plans to meet one month prior to Board meetings at 12 pm ET.
Presidential Stream Responsibilities
Presidential stream responsibilities are more extensive. Those interested in serving in this capacity have generally served on the board previously and have a deep understanding of the work of the Association. A basic overview of some key responsibilities includes:
President-Elect: Presides at meetings of the Board and the Association when the President is absent; performs such other duties as may be directed by the Board or designated by the AIEA President. Oversees logistics for the AIEA Annual Membership Meeting. Serves as member of governance committee as well as the Presidential Stream. Serve as ex-officio member of Presidential Fellows and Thematic Forums subcommittee of the Professional Development and Engagement committee.
President: Leads all AIEA board meetings and yearly Associational meeting, presides over the Annual Conference, represents AIEA at conferences or key events for international education professionals as needed, and works with committee chairs to appoint committee members. Steers direction of the Association through Board leadership. Serves as chair of Governance committee and as a member the Presidential Stream. Performs such other duties as may be directed by the Board.
Immediate Past President: Serves as Conference Chair, determines conference theme and subthemes, recruits and chairs conference committee, identifies conference speakers, determines themes for pre-conference workshops, oversees the call for proposals and session selection process, and oversees the conference. Presides at all meetings of the Board when the President and President-Elect are absent. Serves as a member of the Governance committee a part of the Presidential Stream, empowered by AIEA bylaws to make decisions in conjunction with the Presidential Stream when necessary and designated by the Board. Performs such other duties as may be directed by the Board. Serve as ex-officio member of Pre-Conference Workshops subcommittee of the Professional Development and Engagement committee.
Chair, Membership Outreach and Awards Committee This position coordinates the work of the Membership Outreach and Awards Committee, primarily focused on recruiting new SIO members, both in the U.S. and outside the U.S., as well as managing the process for associational awards. The chair also advises the Board on membership policies and makes recommendations from the committee to the Board regarding member-related issues. Chair, Public Policy Committee The Public Policy Committee monitors and responds to policy issues impacting internationalization of higher education in the world; regularly prioritizes policy issues to be addressed by the Association; makes recommendations to the Executive Committee; and develops ways in which to address key policy issues, educate Members on all levels of policy advocacy, and inform policy issues.
Chair, Publications and Resources Committee This position coordinates the work of the Publications and Resources Committee, primarily focused on developing and advocating for the editorial policies and priorities of the Association, including the review of proposed articles and preparation of materials developed for use by the membership. Chair also advises the Board on editorial policies and makes recommendations from the committee to the Board regarding publication-related issues.
Chair, Professional Development and Engagement Committee The Professional Development and Engagement Committee oversees the professional development programs and services delivered by AIEA to its members to ensure that they remain relevant and of high quality.
Important Documents and Deadlines for Committee Chairs
Committee chairs and those interested in becoming a chair are encouraged to review the following:
February - Committee meetings in-person at conference
March 1 - Send minutes from committee meeting at conference
March - Exit interviews for outgoing board members
May - June- Membership recruitment (Membership chair to send emails)
August - Chairs to remind committee members to renew membership
Spring/Summer (two weeks prior to summer board meeting) - Committee report due for summer board meeting
September - Work with Secretariat on call for new committee members
September 15 - Committee Annual Action Plan Due
Fall (two weeks prior to Fall board meeting) - Committee report due for Fall board meeting
October 1 - AIEA Secretariat posts call for new committee members
October - Determine new committee members in consultation with Secretariat; send notices to all candidates (accept or reject)
November - Work with AIEA president to appoint new committee members to three-year terms
December 1 - Send final committee roster to AIEA Secretariat
At-Large Board Member Responsibilities
Board Members serve 3-year terms on the AIEA Board and provide leadership for policy and operational issues for AIEA. Board members commit to attending three Board meetings per year (at their own expense) and providing leadership to AIEA throughout their term, which may include chairing subcommittees, writing reports, proposing new events, and similar activities. The Board meets immediately prior to the Annual Conference, for a day-long meeting in the fall, and a virtual meeting during the summer. Several Board committees are also chaired by at-large board members.