The following format must be used for biographies for session and workshop presenters for the AIEA Annual Conference and other AIEA programs: Biographies should begin with your name.
Correct: Jane Smith is Associate Provost of International Affairs at Sample University. She is active in both AIEA and NAFSA.
Incorrect: Associate Provost of International Affairs, Jane Smith is active in both AIEA and NAFSA.
If you want to include your degree, please do so in sentence form and not before or after your name.
Correct: Jane Smith holds a doctorate in economics from Southwest University.
Incorrect: Jane Smith, Ph.D., works as Associate Director...
Incorrect: Dr. Jane Smith works as associate director
AIEA biographies have a 75-word limit. Sample Biography: Jane Smith is Associate Provost of International Affairs at Sample University. She is also director of the international studies program. Smith is active in both AIEA and NAFSA and presents frequently on issues of economic development. She previously held faculty and administrative positions at Sample1 and Sample2 Colleges. Smith's most recent publication is Sample Publication. She holds an M.A. from Southeast University and a doctorate in economics from Southwest University.