Many thanks to session presenters for making these materials available.
2013 Annual Conference Attendee Insights Association of International Education Administrators Handout
Africa-U.S. Higher Education Initiative: At the Crossroads of International Education & Development Nosa O. Egiebor | Amadou Hama-Maiga | Margaret Khaitsa Presentation
Challenges and Opportunities for Advancing Institutional Partnerships and Linkages within Indian Higher Education Anthony C. Ogden | Anne D’Angelo | Sarita Rai | Michael Smyer Presentation
Challenges and Strategies for Success in Working with Saudi Arabian Students and Universities K. Cyrus Homayounpour | American & Saudi Arabian Dialogue (ASAD) Education Center | The George Washington Universitty | Geraldine de Berly Presentation 1Presentation 2
Closing the Loop: Funding Comprehensive Internationalization through Inbound Recruitment – A Performance-Based Reinvestment Model Jeet Joshee | Mitch Leventhal | Jonathan Weller Handout 1Handout 2
Comprehensive Internationalization Anton Hemerijck | Kees Kouwenaar Presentation
Global Learning Faculty Teaching Tips Chuck Calahan Handout
Higher Education’s Adaption to a Global Setting and Future David Ayers | Charles Calahan | Joe Potts | Agnes Sohn Presentation
Homeward Bound: Integrating Learning Outcome from Academic Internships Programs Back into Campus Life Beth Rydstrom Knudson | Henry B. Tippie Presentation