This page will be updated periodically for information for conference session presenters and chairs for the 2025 AIEA Conference. Please contact Mel Simmons at the AIEA Secretariat with any questions.
Key Information
Please note that the chair is the point of contact for the session, and AIEA will use the email address entered by the chair for all communication. If the chair is not receiving this correspondence, please see the relevantFAQ response below.
All standard/seven-minute motivators rooms will have a projector, screen, and a table at the front of the room for presenters. Roundtable discussion rooms will not have a projector. Large rooms may include one microphone to be shared between presenters; smaller breakout rooms will not. Please note that you must bring a computer for a slideshow presentation, and if you are using a Mac computer, you must provide your own projector adapter cable (HDMI).
Internet will not be available in session breakout rooms-- please do not rely on an internet connection in your session. Roundtables will not have a screen/projector in each room.
All sessions/roundtables are 60-minutes long.
Pre-recordings- AIEA will allow one pre-recording per session (Standard/Seven-Minute Motivator sessions only). Only one presenter is permitted to submit a pre-recorded presentation. All other presenters must be in person in Houston, TX. Chairs will need to share any pre-recorded videos via their own laptop during the session (and have the technical expertise to do so).
AIEA advises all presenters to register for the 2025 conference by the December 16 Early Registration deadline to benefit from discounted pricing. *Important Note: All session presenters must register for the conference by January 6, 2025 to avoid the cancellation of their session.
AIEA will send a list of registrants to all registered attendees following each registration deadline.
It has previously been brought to our attention that several housing companies claiming to have a relationship with AIEA or conference hotels are offering hotel reservation services for the 2024 AIEA Annual Conference. These companies and others like it are NOT in any way affiliated with AIEA or Marriott Marquis Houstonand should NOT be used to make hotel reservations. Please only make reservations for the conference through the information listed on the AIEA Conference Hotel page.
Key Dates:
December 16, 2024 - Early registration deadline January 16, 2025 - Regular registration deadline February 5, 2025 - Deadline for submitting presentations and handouts for inclusion in conference mobile app February 19, 2025 - Last day for online registration
Presenter Toolkits
Please download and review the Presenter Toolkit and PowerPoint template for the type of session you are chairing below, and share this information with your co-presenters. AIEA requests that if your session involves a PowerPoint presentation, you make use of the template provided for your session type below: Standard/Seven-Minute Motivator Sessions:
AIEA presenters are encouraged to use the template provided to send a press release to your local and/or institutional press outlets (file will automatically download as a Word Document): 2025 AIEA Presenter Press Release(.doc)
Session chairs received an email with the time/date of the session. Sessions that have been conditionally accepted may receive this official email after confirming the changes requested by the conference committee. Session room locations will be shared in the Conference Mobile App, which will launch in mid-January.
How can I request microphones, projectors, computers, or other A/V materials?
All standard/panel session breakout rooms will have a projector, screen, and a table at the front of the room for presenters. Large rooms will include one microphone to be shared between presenters; smaller breakout rooms will not. Please note that you must bring your own computer, and if you are using a Mac computer, you must provide your own projector adapter cable (HDMI).
How can I update a presenter's information or biography?
Please send an email to [email protected]We cannot guarantee changes will be reflected in the conference mobile app after December 20.
Is there a special conference registration rate for presenters?
There is not a special conference registration rate for presenters, however, we encourage all presenters to register for the conference by the December 16 Early Registration deadline to benefit from discounted pricing. Presenters are required to register for at least one day of the conference.
I am the session chair and I am not receiving the emails about my session. How can I fix this?
All automated emails are sent to the chair of each session. Please email Mel Simmons to confirm your email address is accurate. If you are still not receiving messages, chances are the messages are being blocked by spam filters, firewalls or other security policies. This is most common with military email addresses, although it also happens with some universities, medical centers or legal firms. As these restrictions are often beyond our control, as a quick solution we recommend you following up with your IT support to troubleshooting the issue.